Group Exhibition, New Jörg, Vienna
Artists: Amelie Bachfischer, Laura Peixoto, Lisa Slawitz, Veronika Abigail Beringer
Invited by Veronika Beringer as a contribution to the independent exhibition-programme Pappenheimgasse 37.
Installation View,
New Jörg, Vienna
Be in the swamp!!!!!!!!!!!
The swamp as a positive
allegory for unproductiveness,
which can be a fruitful state
of resting in a hyperactive
the late bird and the worm,
2022, stoneware, glaze, PETG, animation on smartphone
Installation View,
New Jörg, Vienna
Everscoring, 2022, oil on canvas and reed-frame, 40 x 30 cm
Wurmloch, 2022, oil on canvas and reed-frame, 25 x 20 cm
swampy socks, 2022, oil on canvas and reed-frame, 25 x 20 cm